Mobile Telehealth Solutions: Supporting Increased Virtual Care Demand

During the phase of Coronavirus, each one of us is afraid to even step outside of our houses. Everything around us is closed and lockdown is changing its dynamics because safety comes first. Amidst this chaos people who are suffering from a normal viral fever, or headache or with some other chronic illness for instance a heart attack, then where will they go? Because in a country like India due to the coronavirus pandemic the entire medical infrastructure has taken a back seat! To resolve this, visits to the hospital's mobile telehealth solutions are the best and the most feasible outcome for us. This pandemic has now become an eye-opener for all of us because it helps us to visualize the importance of telehealth app development service which assists virtual care extensively. For a physician, it is sometimes difficult to reach the spot where the patient is and this scenario can be vice versa too so to deliver precisely, as well as timely medical assistance telehealth software sy...