Is Telehealth The New Solution for Healthcare in Current Scenario?

The future is tremendously unpredictable, and more often than not it is uncertain. With huge population explosions on every continent on the planet, except Antarctica, healthcare experts have to come up with innovative and efficient systems to deal and properly treat patients without having to move geographically to provide quality healthcare.

Companies like SISGAIN have come with ingenious best telehealth softwares to provide quality healthcare to patients who cannot travel long distances to meet with healthcare professionals and for patients who need urgent medical attention but do not have health insurance or do not wish to stand in long queues outside of healthcare facilities.

The novel coronavirus pandemic has definitely opened our eyes to the limitations of traditional visits and the risks of coming into contact with patients from all walks of life. Hospitals have become hotspots or containment zones for all patients, who are there for regular medical check-ups or for a follow up and with the lockdown, movement has been restricted for people so much that patients who are not covid-19 positive, do not have access to quality healthcare. This is where telehealth has been a major life saver for thousands of patients and doctors. 

  • Virtual Clinical Trials

Social distancing is not only for people who are covid-19 positive, but for everyone living in society. Social distancing has always been humanity’s primary defence against contagions and viruses, since the bubonic plague. This pandemic has taught us that with social distancing we need virtual healthcare to have access to quality healthcare without the risk of getting infected. Patients have been observed to comply with virtual clinical trials since they can stay at the comfort of their own home while medical professionals can monitor the patients using remote monitoring devices. Patient recruitment is made more suitable because patients are unlikely to drop out of virtual clinical trials since they are less restricted by geography.   

  • Improved doctor-patient relationship

Patients need to trust their doctors so that they can be more open about their symptoms or diseases and can be receptive to the treatments the healthcare professional prescribes. Live video conferencing provides clear communication between doctors and patients alike, and bridges the gap of uncertainty or doubt brewing in a patient's mind about the medications prescribed to them. Consultations with experts help patients to ease their mind and provide a clear and definitive outlook on the treatment regime and not have to stress over arranging transport for a traditional in house visit.

  • Prevent the spread of infections

Hospitals have become hotspots for the novel coronavirus. Healthcare professionals who are at the frontline providing care to patients are more at risk to contract infections, this is why mobile telehealth solutions provider companies in the US have efficiently upgraded their telehealth software systems to protect doctors and patients and prevent the risk of spreading the infection.
Without breaking social distancing, patients have access to quality healthcare from the safety of their own home using live videoconferencing and live communication with experts. 

  • Increased healthcare access

Patients residing in remote locations where specialized healthcare facilities aren’t strictly available or patients with chronic diseases who cannot travel long distances are forced to survive without medications and treatments. Telehealth apps & software provide a risk free solution to all the patient’s needs.  Live video conference and encrypted consultations with experts helps provide patients the quality healthcare they need without having to leave their own home. Patients in need of urgent care can quickly and efficiently video consult with experts and receive care without jeopardizing their immediate condition by waiting for ambulances to reach them. 


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