The last two decades have witnessed an evident progress in every sector due to the introduction of the digital media. As manual labour is substituted by the use of electronic devices the stocks have drastically risen. Similarly the productivity in the medical field has undergone an immense growth with the digitization of medical aid. We might have heard about the Telehealth facility and ignored it. However, it has gained momentum over the recent years and the outbreak of the pandemic has supplied a boost to the telemedicine sector.

The significance of SISGAIN

As we know, mobile telehealth solutions facilitate the provision of healthcare facilities using the virtual media. Recently, a lot of companies have emerged that manufacture telemedicine software. SISGAIN is one such company that is worth mentioning in the context. It is a renowned company when it comes to development of software. The Telehealth software created by SISGAIN provides white label Telemedicine app solutions to providers by offering a wide range of features. It is a leading Telehealth software development company in the United States of America & Canada. The application developed by SISGAIN is highly user friendly and has enabled remote monitoring of patients from the comfort of one’s home. Thus, it is the best telemedicine software developing company of all times.

Telemedicine as a beneficial remedy

  • There are countless benefits of Telehealth which lessen the burden on the telemed platforms. This is extremely crucial for the advancement in the field of medicine, especially during the time of the novel covid-19 when every sector of the economy has suffered a major loss.
  • However, reports point towards the digitization of medical aid and there has been a rapid shift from manual labour to computerized completion of tasks. Eventually the pressure on traditional ways of extending healthcare has been reduced by the virtual media.
  • The telemedicine software is almost a necessity since it delivers health care facilities to one’s doorsteps.
  • Telehealth has gained momentum in recent months as it enriches accessibility, affordability and transparency, which are extremely important when it comes to serving the customers.
  • Due to the emergence of the Telemedicine software by SISGAIN, one can easily reach out to a clinician in simple steps. People who were devoid of medical facilities due to various reasons like low income, distance from the medical center or/and lack of awareness. Since, health aid is in the form of internet tasking, accessibility increases and awareness is raised among the masses regarding the importance of good health.
  • Good health implies a better human resource which in turn leads to higher productivity and an increment in the country’s wealth.

Advantages of Video consultation offered by SISGAIN

SISGAIN is the best software development company in the field of Telehealth as it offers a number of productive features to its users. These features are simple yet beneficial. They allow the users to interact with medical professionals, watch motivational and health related videos, conduct appointments and many more. The most important feature that is utilized through the software is the one that allows video conferences. The benefits and the efficiency of video conferencing on a telemedicine software platform is discussed below.

  • Video conferencing as a productive tool

Although most of the software nowadays enables the feature of video conferencing, it is professionally better to use the video conference feature offered by the software developed by SISGAIN in order to attain healthcare facilities. Often, people prefer the traditional form of consulting a physician that is, visiting the medical professional physically as it offers them the privilege and confidence to share their symptoms. Therefore, to reduce it, SISGAIN’s software allows one to have a face-to-face conversation with the help of virtual media.
  • Aiding one medically is endorsed with efficiency

Medical professionals and patients have reported to prefer virtual consultancy recently especially after the outbreak of a pandemic. Due to the pandemic, everyone has been advised to stay in isolation in order to fight with the virus. As a result, reaching out to a clinician might be difficult in traditional ways. Therefore SISGAIN has come up with a solution to eradicate the fear in everyone’s mind and provide efficient healthcare measures. Video conferencing allows us to stay in quarantine while accessing healthcare facilities, thus, reducing our exposure to the disease.

  • Remote monitoring of the ones reaching out

Medical practitioners have confirmed that video conferencing features are the most important aspect of a Telehealth software. Therefore, SISGAIN has come up with efficient measures. Conducting appointments over video call, allows the clinician to study a patient’s vital signs, weight and other factors better. This enables the professional to reach to conclusions and derive necessary remedy. This increases transparency and effectiveness in the medical procedures. This ensures remote monitoring of patients, who might not have reached out initially due to the problem of transportation and distance.
  • Assisting people in times of emergency

Traditionally, the medical procedures were complex and time consuming. This would have been problematic in the hours of emergency. SISGAIN has allowed medical practitioners to reach out to the people in terms of emergency. Video conferencing can allow us to reach out to medical help, when needed. This has improvised accessibility and can even help in saving lives. It takes a lot of time to take a patient to a medical centre and go through medical formalities. However, by installing a Telehealth software, one can get medical assistance from a professional if and when required.
  • A smoothened medical workflow

When a particular strata of work is digitalized, it becomes more efficient and transparent to the consumers. SISGAIN has developed a software that offers a wide platform to conduct medical activities virtually. Thereby, it is welcome by a large number of medical professionals and patients. Confidential information can be exchanged and the appointment can be conducted from the comfort of one’s home. Thus, it increases efficiency and organizes the flow of work. The problems offered by the traditional method of providing medical aid is highly reduced. Summing up, the entire process is now more efficient, adaptable and comprehensive which benefits both the patient and the clinician.


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