As the world has been gripped by the novel covid-19 which posed a severe threat to the global population, our lives have undergone a drastic change in every aspect. The past few months have witnessed a rapid rise in the number of cases of the pandemic, thus, we have been pushed to our edges. We all are fighting with the pandemic so, to supply us with weapons, medical experts have come up with innovative and effective methods. One such important measure worth mentioning is the Telemedicine facility.

What is Telemedicine and why is it significant?

Telemedicine software platforms facilities enable medical procedures over the virtual media. We all are accustomed to the internet and its uses and it is a part of our everyday schedule. From fixing an official appointment to buying groceries, then how about a digitized healthcare facility? One can exchange information related to health, consult a clinician or get medical advice. The digital platform expands the opportunities and hence is preferred by the majority of patients and medical consultants. It is effective, efficient, adaptable and transparent. Therefore, it saves time and resources and is unmatched in the field of healthcare.

How to access the facility?

We might be wondering about the features and want to know how to access them. This problem is solved by the Telehealth software development companies, who built software applications for us to download. SISGAIN is one such renowned company that makes the telemedicine software available to us. The company is known for its efficiency in serving the consumers. It provides a number of comprehensible features to serve us. It develops software while considering the people’s preferences, which makes it the best Telemedicine software development company. All we need to do is download while the rest is taken care of by SISGAIN.

Why is it emerging as the new substitute for traditional methods?

Several factors influence the shift from traditional healthcare procedures to a digitalized mode of healthcare, over the recent years. Most of the people, including medical practitioners have reported to prefer telemedicine app development over other means, according to the latest survey. Telehealth facilities were introduced about a couple of decades ago, but it took some time for it to gain momentum. With the onset of the coronavirus, telemedicine platforms have expanded in the USA and more people have been endorsing it due to increased adaptability, accessibility and efficiency.

Why affirm the services?

  • The safety-tool factor

Due to the virus, our everyday activities have been drastically affected. We have been pushed into our homes, which in turn, affected our mental, financial and social state. Therefore, SISGAIN came up with ideas to reduce the stress. Telemedicine software is a platform where one can access medical facilities while staying in quarantine. This ensures safety and hygiene. The software enables the patients to consult a medical professional without violating the rule of social distancing. An appointment is conducted over video conferencing. This facilitates the clinician and the patient to maintain hygiene as now, they are less prone to the virus. 

  • Higher accessibility

Earlier, many people have been devoid of medical facilities due to several reasons. The ones who were neglected the most especially include the older, financially marginalized and those staying in small towns. With the introduction of a telehealth software by SISGAIN, one can easily reach out to medical aid as every methodology takes place over the virtual media. Since everyone has access to their internet, it can be used in taking care of health in a flick of a second. Due to social isolation, transportation has been curbed. Yet, the ones staying in remote areas can have access to effective healthcare through the telemedicine application.

  • Reduction in cost while increment in revenue

Due to the lockdown, the finances have been disturbed. People have faced difficulties in the work field and the daily wage worker’s economic life have been curtailed, thus, not many could attain healthcare due to low income. The cost of a virtual consultation is comparatively lower than that of a traditional one. As SISGAIN came up with the software, one can easily get medical attention, which was once ignored. Everyone is entitled to a proper health and a hygienic lifestyle.  Better health means a higher quality of life, which in turn leads to a higher economic growth. As more people access a physician, his practice revenue witnesses a hike, thus benefiting the medical professionals as well as the patient.

  • Efficiency in the Workflow

When any medium of service is digitalized, work becomes easier and proficient. SISGAIN allows a software to render services that would make work simpler for us. Every aspect of the health check-up is highly mechanized, reducing paperwork and manual labour. Confidential medical information is stored and can be got hold of whenever required. This helps in accurate diagnosis and assists the physician to study the patient’s symptoms better. The reports of a medical text is forwarded virtually for the doctor to reach a conclusion with utmost accuracy. One can exchange important documents over the virtual telemed platform. This increases transparency and effectiveness in the overall work process. Time and effort consumption is reduced. In today’s age, one must cope up with the pace, especially in his or her professional field. Every feature is digitalized on the software manufactured by SISGAIN, making it the best in the field.

  • The issue of ‘no-show’ is almost eliminated

The problem of ‘no-show’ is common, when it comes to the medical procedures. With the introduction of SISGAIN’s software, it is easier for patients to reach out for medical help. Several factors work behind one’s cancellation of a medical appointment, some of which are low income, expensive consultation, forgetfulness and lack of transportation during the pandemic. The telehealth software systems based application takes care of these problems and even allows the patient and the clinician to set up reminders for the appointment. It provides white label Telehealth solutions to all kinds of medical issues to both, the physician and the medical experts.


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