Top Facts: Telemedicine Practices in Higher Level of Satisfaction


Telemedicine is defined as the practice of extending clinical facilities to the patients in need using a digital platform. It has existed since the last couple of decades, however, with an advancement in technology, it has gained momentum over the recent years. Telemedicine technology is widely being used as a substitute of traditional clinical facilities due to several factors. It has provided a wide range of benefits to facilitate remote access to healthcare. Some of the benefits include:
  • Providing healthcare remotely
  • Enhancing the medical workflow.
  • Reaching out to the ones who were once devoid of medical benefits.
  • Reduction in time consumption.
  • Generation of higher practice revenue.
  • Taking care of affordability.


Telemedicine software facilities are made available to us through software development companies. SISGAIN is an eminent name that has provided telemedicine software development facilities by developing a user-friendly software for the purpose. The telemedicine software developed by SISGAIN is highly effective and efficient. Thus, it allows one to have remote access to medical facilities due to several features available. This HIPAA compliant software has enabled crucial features like video conferencing, real time chat and means to share confidential medical documents. It has extended its facilities to different parts of the world and is the leading telemedicine app development company in UK and the USA.


Although both the terms sound similar, there is a vivid distinction between the two. One cannot be used as a substitute of the other. While telehealth is a broader concept, telemedicine is a subset of telehealth, both of which form parts of E-health. Telehealth offers a wide range of medical services like administrative management, continuity of medical education and clinical services. Telemedicine involves provision of clinical facilities to the patients. We must remember that telemedicine is a part of mobile telehealth solution but the vice versa cannot be stated.


With a rise in telemedicine facilities, according to the recent survey, there has been a subsequent rise in patient as well as provider’s satisfaction. Thus, we have listed below five telemed practices that can enhance the workflow.

1. Collaboration with local bodies is to be encouraged

One of the roadblocks faced during the implementation of telemedicine is getting the local medical centers to cooperate during the process. If the local organizations do not participate in the process with sufficient enthusiasm, it leads to disruption in the medical procedure. Thus, this practice is the most important one.

2. An effective management committee is to be formed

An effective administration’s performance is directly proportional to the efficiency of the telemedicine app development solutions platform. Administrative measures are crucial for the working of a system. Thereby, it is necessary to organize a functional management committee for the progress of the industry.

3. Training session for the staff committee is to be conducted

Telemedicine application being a new and exclusive concept, might not be comprehensive to many. Therefore, it is necessary to train the staff committee so that they can utilize the facility to promote healthcare. These training sessions must be simple yet proficient to promote better learning, since the staff form the backbone of the system.

4. Conducting surveys to record patient’s response

Conducting surveys and collecting feedback from patients is crucial. They shall be enabled to provide feedback and seek support. This shall be done to check one’s response to the telemedicine software platform and can be used to improve the formwork for consumer’s satisfaction.

5. Apply for reimbursements

In order to fund the procedure, it is important to apply for reimbursements and grants. One cannot single handedly draw an organization as large as telemedicine, hence, it is important to find other alternatives in terms of finances.


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